AICD | Stronger together
This campaign was created for AICD. It centred around conceptualising an integrated brand campaign to explain the organisation to the market, growing exposure and recognition.


I developed this campaign concept as an integrated brand launch for AICD's first ever campaign - to launch and hero their new identity. I approached this as a campaign platform - integrating the Stronger together as a narrative explored across a range of mediums.

Stronger together is a platform to launch the new AICD brand and tackle the misconception that it is an organisation for old, white men. To make this effective, AICD teams could establish a metric to measure the effectiveness and successfulness of a board, and then commission a series of research to investigate how this plays out in Australian boards. AICD could profile a range of ‘diverse’ individuals to show what this looks like, as well as profile boards that prioritise diversity and inclusion, and tell their story of success. Once the research is complete, AICD could launch the campaign Stronger together as an event and research report - with supporting 30-second TVC to air during prime-time viewing. This campaign would play out as short videos and blog posts across social media, and print advertising in targeted publications.
There is scope within this direction to develop a tool or product AICD could use to sell in to businesses to help their boards become more diverse and successful.

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